Some years ago I read the horrible story of "The Massacre of 1810 at Ywahoo Falls" I felt so sad that some people hold so much hatred in their hearts for others not of their race. I thought I would make this page in hopes that whom ever reads this poem will put love for one another in their hearts and remember that we are ALL sons and daughters of our Creator.
inside Ywahoo Falls
The Ballard of Yahoo Falls
by Mark A. Abner
It was the year of 1810
The August leaves were green
At the sacred place we call Ah hoo
There falls a sparkling stream
It was a sanctuary place
Its water clear and cool
There gathered children to stay safe
Until they journeyed south to school
But on that August Friday night
a horrid fate would fall
Before the bright new sun would rise
Their lives would flee them all
One hundred children there were held
Their mothers at their sides
When on the front guard white men fell
Filled with hatred, greed and pride
When all the front guard they had killed
scalped red and white alike
The killers rushed down to the falls
and fell on children in the night
Around the rim surrounded men
That none could make excape
The blood is ran there ankle deep
As they killed and scalped and raped
Some miles away came Kutsawah
Corn blossum walked there too
Into a tree where all could see
A mighty raptor flew
Into the bark its beak did strike
And from there blood did stream
And the cry that rang from the hawks
own throat
Was a babies tortured scream
The warriors rushed on to the falls
To see what had befell
They found their children dead and scalped
And on the killers fell
The Franklinites who stayed behind
their pleasures to fulfill
Were sent to face their personal hells
No more children would they kill
On the cliffs two days Corn Blossum
Till her spirit floated free
Her son and husband flown before
"Remember us" her plea
On August 10th in 1810
A traversty occured
But in this country's history
There's written not a word
Our bones from ancient graves now torn
Are dug and dozed and tossed
With dynamite without regard
to sacred mysteries lost
But out of the dark, forgotten years
There springs the peoples voice
To sing again our sacred songs
And make our hearts rejoice
The Cherokee are living still
We walk with you each day
With wisedom's learned and gifts to share
If you would learn our ways
Respect all things upon the earth
And those who came before
Protect the land for those who come
That their spirits too may soar
my Guestbook!
Read my Guestbook!