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"The Spring time Thaw "

Winter time is fading so fast

Soon the chilly air will be gone

Taking with it, the snow and ice

Making room for Spring time song

I know that this is happening

For the sun shines more each day.

Melting away the white wintery scene

So we all can go out and play

I can hear the birds are chattering

They must be looking for a date

Using song and dance routines

In hopes of landing a mate

The trees are starting to blossom

The flowers are beginning to bloom

Showing us the colors of Spring

While shedding their wintery gloom

Bugs are flying everywhere

With creepy crawlers galore

Wondering if the snow has left

And what Spring time has in store

But before you get to comfy

I can see the clouds roll in

I guess that Winter is not over yet

Because, the rain has started again


Poem written by:

Doreen Pledger

March 5, 2005